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Work between sessions builds skills to help you make changes in your life. It is key to lasting improvements. One way to gain knowledge on cognitive therapy, schema therapy, and Gottman couples therapy is through books from some of the leading therapists. Check back regularly for updates on recommended readings.

Reinventing Your Life
Outlines the schema-focused cognitive therapy approach created by Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D., and Janet Klosko, Ph.D. of the Cognitive Therapy Center of New York. A must read for schema-focused therapy.

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
by David Burns, Ph.D.
Illustrates techniques of cognitive therapy to relieve depression and anxiety.

Love is Never Enough,
by the founder of cognitive therapy, Aaron T. Beck, M.D.,
Describes cognitive techniques that can help improve your relationship.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
by John Gottman, Ph.D,
Details seven principles that will prevent a relationship from breaking up.

The Relationship Cure
by John Gottman, Ph.D.,
Outlines how to identify defeating relationship patterns and improve your connection.
Call now for a consultation: (212) 725-7774 or (888) 4-ACT-NYC or contact us via our online form.



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